The Basics
4 Body points you want to know
Every second, the most incredible processes take place in our body. Stimuli are absorbed and processed, supplied substances are built up, converted or broken down, hormones are formed and released into the blood – just to name a few. Certain areas and systems of our body are responsible for this. And you yourself – sometimes more, sometimes less. This is because many processes happen autonomously and that’s a good thing. Our body normally knows its tasks very well. Sometimes however, it can use a little help, i.e., when we are stressed, eat unhealthy or sleep poorly. You probably know this as well.
Then it's time to help our body. Vitalize the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thymus gland and an acupuncture point in the abdomen, the sea of energy, as it is known, with the Beosigner®. These organs, or points, have a direct connection to meridians, pathways along which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, life energy flows. The meridians and organs are interrelated. With the Beosigner® you can help certain organs and points via these meridians. Use the Beosigner® several times a day, not only when you feel you need a little help, but daily. Give each main vitalization point a minimum of 15 seconds.

4. Sea of Energy (Three fingers below the navel)
The name comes from Chinese medicine and it speaks for itself: this point ensures that our intestines can do their work properly; it also influences the adrenal glands and pelvic organs. It is one of the most often used points in acupuncture.
The 4 most effective points
1. The Hypothalamus
This is the highest spot on your head. You will find it where the two imaginary lines drawn from the highest points of your ears meet. The hypothalamus is important for stimulus processing. It is also called the “stress center.” The decision as to whether an outside stimulus will enter our consciousness or be rejected is taken here. This makes the hypothalamus a “receptionist” for our brain. Too many stress elements can overstrain the hypothalamus.
2. The Hypophysis - Nasal root
This point can be found on your forehead between the eyebrows. The hypophysis, or pituitary gland, regulates nearly all other endocrine glands, such as thyroid or adrenal glands. If the thyroid gets out of balance, we immediately notice it as a plunge in our performance and our mood, but also our nutrient use efficiency is suffering. When our adrenal glands become tired, we lose the ability to deal with everyday challenges. Adrenal glands produce so-called stress hormones that define our ability to cope with stress. They help us to process outside stimuli. Tired adrenal glands can lead to burnout.
3. The Thymus (upper third part of the chest, four fingers below the throat)
The thymus gland is also described as the brain behind our body’s immune defense. It is a part of the lymphatic system and constitutes a central piece between the endocrine system, vegetative nervous system and the immune system. In classical medicine it often gets no consideration, since it atrophies after infancy. Despite this, the thymus gland maintains its function until old age. Its shrinking, at times caused by an illness, has a direct effect on our immune system.
Ancient knowledge in modern technology
Apart from bloodstream and nerve pathways, also our body possesses energy pathways. This was already known to the ancient Chinese who used it in acupuncture. Like a road with bus stops, the energy pathways have “stations” at various distances from each other – these are the acupuncture points.

Use the Beosigner® on the acupuncture points
Attention: read the disclaimer
The Vitalizer and The Beosigner® are developed to support your wellbeing; they are not a medical device or treatment. These products are not intended as a substitute or replacement for medical treatment or advice. In case of illness, you should seek treatment from a licensed medical provider. Do not stop or change a medical treatment without consulting your medical provider. The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.